About Wendi

I’m Wendi – yes, with an “i”. I was introduced to blogging via LiveJournal back in the good old days of the 1990s. I had at least four LiveJournal user names (that I can remember). Instead of settling on a user name for how I’m feeling at the time I realized that I could keep my phases, feelings, insights shifting and still remain me. This is just me. How I see it. Yes, I do have gray eyes.

I am a jack of all trades. I write. I am a photographer. I paint. I knit. I’m a designer. I want to learn how to create pattern fabrics. I am a mental illness awareness activist and feminist (yeah, I’m one of THOSE! MUWahahahahahaaa!) I have another blog – Wendi Miller Photography + Design – for my photography and design projects (imagine that). I’m also a bit of a social media junkie with Twitter and Instagram. Oh how I love Instagram (@grayeyedgrrl). Something to do with that whole photography thing, I think.

I currently live in Florida, in Pollen Central, with my husband Mike and our three four-legged kids: Lizzie and Jack Jack (felines) and Kat the Dog (rescued greyhound). Lizzie is a litter-mate of our Sweet Baby Jane who passed away spring 2014 (and is also immortalized via tattoo on my left wrist). Jack Jack had been the spitting image our first four-legged child Felix. But Jack Jack is demon spawn but we love him anyway. Kat the Dog came to us through a rescue group who saved her life from starvation. We got her when she weighed 60lbs – which we think was just the weight of her bones – there wasn’t a lick of meat on her. Now she’s healthy, happy and just a wee bit crazy.

Oh, and I have really bad grammar and punctuation skills (what is the opposite of no skills?).

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